Chenuli Jayasinghe

A Python Developer - Technical Writer - Data Enthusiast


A Python developer and a Technical Writer currently based in New York, United States.Oh, I'm also the builder of Dev Encyclopedia, a website used by many developers! ⚒In need of a freelance tech writer? Cool, let's get in touch!

"It was a pleasure speaking with [Chenuli]. Their articles are great, they seek to be as unbiased as possible, and the end result was a fair and objective review that read smoothly, looked slick, and dug deep into the book content to give prospective readers a good idea of what to expect."
—Erik, Marketing Specialist ~ Manning Publications
"[Chenuli] is a great technical writer who is super easy to work with and loves what [she] does! I've worked with [Chenuli] on a few articles and [she] does a great job incorporating feedback. You're in good hands with this writer."
—Andrew Zigler, Developer Advocate ~ Mattermost, Inc.


- During the pandemic, I started learning to develop and design games using C# Language and Unity Game Engine, which was the foundation of my tech journey.- Joined an independent game development team called “JD Interactive” as a 1st Tier game developer, successfully collaborating to release our first game on Play Store.- Several Articles were published, sponsored by the following companies:
Tuya Inc. (China)|| LogRocket, Inc. (US) || Manning Publications (US) || 2Captcha, Inc (Russia)


- My focus shifted to learning Python Programming and then sharing my knowledge via a blog under the name “Mr. Unity Buddy”.- Joined as a freelance Technical Writer.- Several Articles were published, sponsored by the following companies:
Mattermost, Inc (US)|| Earthly Technologies, Inc (US) || Manning Publications (US)


- During this year, I learned Python further and built an educational application called "Buzz 101" to help students learn textual programming easily.- I started publishing content again on the blog “Buzzpy’s Notes” at the end of the year, sharing my knowledge with everyone on Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Thought Leadership, and more.


- I moved to the United States and started focusing on my plans and studies while publishing content on my blog.- Built Dev Encyclopedia, an open source project to help developers and programmers.- Worked with Apify Technologies blog.

Verification: Visit the About Pages of both Mr. Unity Buddy's Blog and Buzzpy's Notes to verify my ownership (through the e-signature).

Python ML Models

⭐ Reach out to me via Email to learn more about upcoming projects!